Saturday 14 May 2016

Life and meals aboard

.. the following is part of a private letter written on May 13

After 2 1/2 days of noisy motoring, we have reached a 'sweet spot' on our trip ... this is the fair-weather sailing that everyone who ever wanted to run away on a boat imagines. The winds are just strong enough to loft us along with a gentle motion - just like being rocked in a silken cradle.

We are turned somewhat and are about to meet our next waypoint at which time we'll be turning slightly and heading on a diagonal towards the equator.

There's not much to report ... everything is easy-going at this point. The boat is working perfectly and we are getting along like a well-oiled machine.

It was Larry's turn to cook yesterday, and he spoiled me with pancakes and maple syrup for lunch and an Indian chicken curry with lime pickle for dinner. It is very hard to resist a meal so good ... and to resist over-eating! I have a full set of exercises designed by my friend Jackie - a personal trainer/realtor in Victoria. So right after this letter, I'm going out to the cockpit. Running in place for 12 minutes is just the start ... this is followed by a full set of strength and muscle training (boring) exercises.

For lunch today I'm making bacon and roquefort 'wraps' and I'm also making friend Jantine's pea salad. I'm having to substitute some preserved red and green peppers. The only fresh veggies we have left are onions and garlic. This salad uses tinned peas, green beans, corn in a red wine vinegar dressing and it last 2 weeks in the 'fridge. So thanks, Tiny! We have to wait until tomorrow to start on it, so Larry will get the benefit of my work for his meals tomorrow. I'm not sure what I'll make for dinner yet. We have some delicious steaks ... but only enough to have a steak meal every 12 days! So we have to wait for that until next week.

It seems that on a trip like this, one thinks about food nearly constantly. And because we alternate cooking, it has become a bit of a competition.

At 5/14/2016 11:50 (utc) our position was 23°23.50'N 130°29.20'W

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